Friday, March 20, 2009

Restaurant SEATING....the rocket science behind it....HAH!

People, when you walk into a semi- empty restaurant that does not mean that you can point at tables and pick where you want to sit! And when the hostess politely tells you "no" it's not because she feels like being a bitch! There is a certain floor map and seating rotation that most if not all restaurants go by. Your table has not been selected at random.

The shit I really can't believe that customers try to pull is...pointing at a two-top and asking if 4 people can sit there? WTF? And then proceed to explain that if we pull up another table to it then they can all fit. The reason being....they want to sit 9 feet closer to the damn window. Seriously WTF???? Are you frickn high? We are not going to start rearrange the floor for that when we have tables 9 feet away that are made to seat 4 people! Under no circumstances should a ridiculous request ever be made! What are you people gonna do?....just sit and stare out the window and not talk to eachother? Is it THAT important for you to sit next to a window? Please!!! All you've accomplished is proving that you are seriously self-centered and have no consideration for other people. What are we suppose to do when a party of 2 show up? Seat them on the 4-top table????? And when other customers walk in and see you 4 sitting at the window...guess what they're gonna do? Request for the same damn arrangement. Before you know it the entire restaurant is going to be a mess and our little system that's worked for years and years, is gone out the window that you had to sit next to. On top of all that...don't walk into our work place and start telling us how to do our job and automatically assume yourself the position of manager. How would you like it if we walked into your job and rearranged the place? And don't end your sentence with..."it's just a suggestion." Yeah right...your Jedi powers of persuassion are not affecting our brains to do what ever you want us to do. When you ask yourself..."why is this so hard for them to do or understand?" Effe you! Like I said, we're working with a system and you're effing with it! THAT is what is soooooo hard! Just shut the hell up, we're trying to see if we can do something else to make you happy and get you as close to that frickn window as possible under the circumstances!

When customers show up without a reservation and have a party of 10 WTF do you expect us to do? I really don't care how far you drove to eat at our restaurant especially when you start getting a little impatient! And please don't start rolling your eyes and make comments to others in your party about how annoyed you are with us. Call ahead and make a frickn reservation so we can accomodate you to the best of our ability! And BTW, the more you start to act impatient the less and less accomidating we will be and the longer we'll make you wait. The reason is because now that you're being a jerk we want you to give up and go somewhere else. It's as simple as that. Be nice and we'll be nice back! Remember...although you want to eat at our restaurant and give us your business, you act like a jerk, why would we want to serve you? It's not our fault you failed to make a reservation! And although you see empty tables, those are probably reserved for those that actually called and made RESERVATIONS!

So in conclusion...when you walk into a restaurant there is a system that we often follow. We follow it to make your experience as pleasant as possible and that is done most efficiantly first by seating arrangements. Everything else is another story. So please, just accept the first table the hostess gives you and if not then graciously ask for another and volunteer to wait until another is available. We will be more than happy to accomodate your wishes with a smile because we appreciate nice sweet people!

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