Thursday, March 19, 2009

So I begin.......Blogging my Rants about Restaurant Life

To start this off right I'll begin with a breif history.

I've worked in the Food and Beverage Industry for about 10 years now. My experience includes various locations in my state only, although I have been exposed to countless people from across the U.S. and around the world. I do live in a tourist trap! The various positions that I've held include server, bartender, host, cashier and assistant manager.

I in no way regaurd my rants and opinions the only ones that exist. I'm blogging as a way of stress relief but also welcome comments of opposers to help broaden my horizons. I still do believe in humanity but yet I find my patience with some to be short and firey. Sorry, if at times I sound a bit heated, it is just my personal feelings, thoughts, reaction....blah blah blah....

The restaurant that I am presently employed is a small intimate boarderline fine dinning. I say boarderline because technically we are one but our location has a casual atmosphere to it. Here we have a color cast of characters that make up our staff. Some piss me off beyond belief while others entertain the hell out of me all night long!

Through the years of interacting with all kinds of people I've come to realize the good the bad and the ugly in people. Us restaurant workers, I've noticed, are always complaining about how stupid or inconsiderate some customers can be. I figured that I just needed to put it down in case by chance a person who has never worked in a restaurant comes across it and is in someway enlightened. Someone, somewhere, just might avoid pissing off their server! I wish! In an ideal world every single customer would know what it's like to do what we do everyday and appreciate us more instead of treating us like scum of the earth. Don't get me wrong, not everyone is like that and the nice to decently nice ones out weigh the assholes by a long shot. But the assholes sure do like to make an impression!

BTW, I am currently working as a full-time employee at an italian restaurant as an assistant manager, bartender and server. I primarily serve tables during dinner service but still maintain my other positions as part of my regular schedule.

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